151 movies

 Searching BoyCrush Videos for: Muscular


Passionate Sweethearts

February 15, 2008

Jackson and Krist take love making to the next level. Their subtle smiles, cute glances,...


Carson's Sexy Striptease

February 12, 2008

Carson's sensual striptease is entrancing as he glides so smoothly along with the music....


Garrett & Krist in Love

February 8, 2008

Garrett and Krist make a cute duo. Garrett whisks Krist off his feet to carry him to the...


Lather, Rinse, REPEAT!!

February 5, 2008

Purest form of raw boycrush footage. Jackson's solo started as a sexy shower scene and...


Krist Vs. Bertha

January 29, 2008

The Next contestant up is Krist taking on big bertha! He takes hold of that dildo and rams...


Jackson Rams Alonzo

January 11, 2008

Jackson and Alonzo have such a great chemistry that you can see it during the video....


Krist gets Ravished

November 2, 2007

I couldn't help but watch Krist during this video because while Kevin is plowing through...


Gabe & Jackson's...

October 29, 2007

Filming a Boycrush first with this double solo. These boys didn't know what to do at first...


Smackdown Boycrush Style

October 26, 2007

These boys came in telling me they really wanted to shoot a wrestling video. How could i...

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